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How We Work for Maui County Libraries
The mission of our all-volunteer nonprofit, Maui Friends of the Library (MFOL), is to provide support for all the libraries in Maui County, including Lāna‘i, Moloka‘i, and the Holoholo Bookmobile and other libraries. A primary task is raising money to help finance the acquisition of new materials: books, periodicals, reference materials, CDs, DVDs.
To promote the State of Hawaii Summer Reading Program in Maui, MFOL provides young adult books from Scholastic Literacy to be given away to participating readers and funds prizes to recognize achievements.
This past year, MFOL was able to provide substantial funding for the following library projects, programs, and materials — in blanket funds as well as by individual request:
• $82,000 was allocated for books, CDs, DVDs, etc., and programs at Maui libraries: that is the $10,000 in discretionary spending for each branch library and the Holoholo Bookmobile.
• $10,000 was granted for the purchase of 10 book carts for the Kahului Library, in the process of renovation.
• $10,348 was given for additional Bookmobile equipment.
• $6,550 covers subscriptions from Ebsco, to provide availability magazines & news publications at each library. (Ebsco is a subscription service company that supplies information resources to many different libraries.)
• $5,775 was granted for Scholastic Literacy Initiatives at various events during the Fall term. (Ho‘ike Kula family event, Stand for Children Rally and Celebration, and the Big Tent Event at UH Maui College.) The funds covered 1,720 bookpacks for give-aways.
• $5,613.38 supplemented another donor’s generous contribution for new bookcases at the Wailuku Library.
• $4,862 paid for shelving and supplies for giveaways at both the Wailuku Library and the Bookmobile. These funds also covered an event at one of the Bookmobile’s regular stops in Pukalani for “An Era of Change: Oral Histories of Civilians in World War II Hawai’i.”
• $4,600 for the purchase of Hawaiiana materials for the Holoholo Bookmobile
• $2,259 for easels and other display tools for Kahului and Wailuku Libraries
• $1,856 for Moloka‘i Library for shelving and visually-appealing dividers to display their materials.
Please consider helping MFOL continue to promote and enhance Maui’s public libraries by becoming a member of MFOL ... donating gently-used books, CDs, DVDs ... shopping at our bookstores ... signing up for a volunteer shift in our bookstores. If you have four hours a week available, those few hours can help make a big difference in our Maui County community!