What We Do (and have done!)
Our nonprofit, all-volunteer organization serves the people of Maui County primarily through support to our libraries. Money received from store sales, pop-up sales, and donations fund the cost of new materials and ongoing programs in Maui County’s public libraries.
100% of our net receipts go directly to libraries...or back into our community.
How We Work for Libraries
Maui Friends of the Library now provides approximately $100,000 annually for Maui County's branch libraries, including Lāna‘i, Moloka‘i, and the Holoholo Bookmobile. These funds support literacy projects, community programs, new circulation materials, and library furniture and supplies.

We Offer Books for Everybody. . .
Maui Friends of the Library is able to give all people on Maui access to inexpensive books and media. Whether for education, self-improvement, or entertainment, MFOL offers a place where everyone can afford a book, movie, or music.
MFOL has given away many thousands of FREE books for kids — every day in our stores, at holiday celebrations and pop-up sales, and in collaboration with other community partners and social service agencies.


. . . and, sometimes, FREE BOOKS!
Every year, dozens of teachers and home-schoolers enjoy the benefits of another tradition of the Maui Friends of the Library: book giveaways at the warehouse/store in Pu‘unene.
Educators are invited to pick and choose — to select as books for FREE! Thousands of books have been given away, directly into the hands of people who use them to teach children.
If you are a teacher or a home-schooler, find out how you, too, can get free books for your students or special projects. Call the Pu‘unēnē Bookstore at 808-871-6563 to arrange for an appointment.
Scholarship Program for Maui Students
Maui Friends of the Library offers academic scholarships up to $2,500/semester to Maui County residents pursuing a Master's or graduate advanced degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Hawai‘i Mānoa campus or through the UH University Center at the UH Maui College campus. Maui Friends of the Library has been awarding graduate level MLIS Scholarships since 2009. More than a dozen recipients of these scholarships are serving in library positions in Maui today.


Win/Win in reducing Maui's Landfill
Maui Friends of the Library makes a major contribution to the efforts on Maui to “Reduce/Reuse/Recycle.” People and organizations can donate their good-but-no-longer-needed materials... then other people come and give them a new home. This not only helps keep excess waste out of the landfill, but allows MFOL to present reasonably priced books for everybody, including free books for kids!
You can help by donating your pre-loved books/CDs, and especially by volunteering at one of our stores.